Pathway to Higher Education

Higher Education Pathway

ACP supports our students’ further studying arrangement with a number of Australian universities that will give you credit transfer towards its related higher education programs. 

To find out more, and if you have an enquiry about pathway arrangement, send us an email.

How does it work?

By studying with ACP, you effectively minimise the time and cost of a related undergraduate degree with our university partner.  Accordingly, if you’ve completed:

  • Both a 1-year diploma and a 1-year advanced diploma with us, you may be entitled up-to 2 years credit towards a bachelors degree with our university partner – after completing your diploma and advanced diploma, you would only need to study for another 1 year to obtain your degree, in addition to your diploma and advanced diploma.  So in 3 years, you will have an ACP diploma, ACP advanced diploma and a university degree!

  • A 1-year diploma with us, you may be entitled up-to a 1-year credit towards a bachelors degree with our university partner – after completing your diploma, you would only need to study for another 2 years to obtain your degree, in addition to your diploma.  So in 3 years, you will have both an ACP diploma and a university degree!

  • A 1-year advanced diploma with us, you may be entitled up-to 1-year to 1.5 years credit towards a bachelors degree with our university partner – after completing your advanced diploma, you would only need to study for another 1.5 years to 2-years to obtain your degree, in addition to your advanced diploma. So in 2.5 years to 3-years, you will have both an ACP advanced diploma and a university degree!

To find out more, or if you have an enquiry about a specific university, send us an email.